There are four conferences throughout the year; Leadership, Regional, State, and National
Conferences are optional unless a student wants to become a chapter officer.
Although the goal is for students to complete projects to enter in the TSA State Competition, members are not required to attend competitive events to be a part of TSA.
Members should decide early in the year if they will be attending competitions.
Please click here for TSA High School Competition Info.
The Florida Leadership Training Conference in the fall, October 23 to 26, for students interested in becoming an officer. This conference aims to equip student leaders with the ability to run a successful TSA chapter.

The Manatee Regional Conference is a one-day, November 16, local district competition in the Winter. Students will compete against TSA members from other schools in a series of competitive events. This will help students to practice for the Florida State Competition.
The main state competition in Spring, February 19 to 22, is is one of the largest competitions held during the academic school year. Thousands of students arrive in Orlando near the end of February with the goal of a first place in their TSA event(s). Students compete over three days, and the culmination of all the hard work comes at the awards ceremony on Saturday evening.

Evolution of excellence
The national competition in the summer, June 27 to July 1. The final event of the TSA year is the national conference in Nashville, TN. Students have the opportunity to compete against teams from across the nation, and a few from other nations! The location changes each year, so students fortunate enough to attend are able to visit new places each time. To get more info on the upcoming national conference, visit the national TSA website.