to Our Site
All members should join our DIS Club at PCHS Remind Group in order to get announcements. To sign up for DIS Club at PCHS notifications, go to https://www.remind.com/join/disclu Or use the Remind App code: @disclu.
Fundraisers: Students will be able to participate in fundraisers to help defer the cost of attending races. If a student participates in a fundraiser, but does not attend any races, the money will go into the DIS Club general fund.
How to join:
Click here or scan the QR code below to fill out the DIS Club Membership Application Form. Membership fees can be turned in before or after school in room 5-214. Checks must be made payable to Parrish Community High School.

Who Can Join: Any student at Parrish Community High School can join the DIS Club. Students must have "C" average or better with no D's or F's and a clean behavioral record with no level 2 or 3 referrals or suspensions.
Cost of Membership
Membership Fees: The cost to join the DIS Club is $30.00. This covers a t-shirt, Season registration and basic supplies needed to build a prototype.
Structure & Commitments:
Officers: We will have 6 leadership positions within our organization. Active members in good standing will run for and be elected into the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sergeant-atArms.
Meetings: The DIS Club will not meet on 2024-2025 school year.
Races & Travel: Though it is not required that a student attend live races, it's strongly encouraged. How much will it cost to have a student involved in DIS Club for a full year? When you consider project costs, race registrations, and travel and lodging, you can expect to spend between 50 and 400 dollars throughout the course of a full year.
22-23 Team