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All members should join our DIS Club at PCHS Remind Group in order to get announcements. To sign up for DIS Club at PCHS notifications, go to Or use the Remind App code: @disclu. 
Fundraisers: Students will be able to participate in fundraisers to help defer the cost of attending races. If a student participates in a fundraiser, but does not attend any races, the money will go into the DIS Club general fund. 
How to join: 
Click here or scan the QR code below to fill out the DIS Club Membership Application Form. Membership fees can be turned in before or after school in room 5-214. Checks must be made payable to Parrish Community High School.

QRCode for DIS Club Member Application.png

Who Can Join: Any student at Parrish Community High School can join the DIS Club. Students must have "C" average or better with no D's or F's and a clean behavioral record with no level 2 or 3 referrals or suspensions. 

Cost of Membership 
Membership Fees: The cost to join the DIS Club is $30.00. This covers a t-shirt, Season registration and basic supplies needed to build a prototype. 
 Structure & Commitments: 

Officers: We will have 6 leadership positions within our organization. Active members in good standing will run for and be elected into the following positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sergeant-at­Arms. 
Meetings: The DIS Club will not meet on 2024-2025 school year.

Races & Travel: Though it is not required that a student attend live races, it's strongly encouraged. How much will it cost to have a student involved in DIS Club for a full year? When you consider project costs, race registrations, and travel and lodging, you can expect to spend between 50 and 400 dollars throughout the course of a full year. 

22-23 Team

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